Here is Trevor's birthday interview:
Who is your favorite person? Heidi
What is your favorite color? Blue
is your favorite thing to watch on TV? Play Minecraft
What is your favorite outfit? anything
What song do you like the best? I Love to See the Temple
What is your favorite cereal? Grapenuts
Who is your best friend? My family
What do you want to do when your grow
up? Be a farmer
What is your favorite book? Little House in the Big Woods
What are you really good at? Tricks on the trampoline
Where do you wish you could go on vacation? Oregon
What would you buy if you had a lot of
money? A farm
What is your favorite dinner? Chicken Rolls
If you could have a wish, what would it be? to have another wish
What is your favorite flavor of ice
cream? Mint Cookie (Ben and Jerry's makes a great non-dairy one)
Who do you want to be like? myself
What do you like to do with your friends? Play with them
What do you hope you'll get to do before your next birthday? Have Christmas
What is your favorite thing to do? Play Legos
What are you proud of? Myself
What are you afraid of? Some stuff
What is Mom's favorite thing to do? Take naps
How strong is Dad? Very
What does Dad do best? Joke
What does Mom do best? Be my mom
What do you like best about Dad? He's fun
do you like best about Mom? She makes cookies