Here's our new apartment! I took these pictures at least a week or two ago, but never got around to posting them.

Our living room area. We had to get a new lamp because the lighting in our apartment isn't the greatest.

Our dining room (you can see how much we use our table- its pushed into the corner so it won't take up space and I mostly use it to cut material for a quilt I'm making). Also, we got a new bookshelf which Austin was thrilled to fill with all of his books. When I pointed out to him that none of my books fit on that shelf, he decided to give me Anna Karenina and War & Peace so that I couldn't say that it was only his book shelf.

Our kitchen- not too fond of the white cabinets, but oh well.

Austin busy at work in the desk area. He has started studying here more often than on the love sack and it has made him just a little bit more productive. But the down side is that he can't snuggle with Asher when he is sitting here.

And my favorite room in the house- Asher's bedroom. I've been waiting my whole pregnancy and the month we were in Utah after he was born to decorate his room. It was so fun to get out all of his stuff (even though he won't use many of the toys and clothes for quite some time) and arrange it. Please note the spare bed for anyone who wants to come visit!

Asher's closet- the totes are filled with clothes and a few other things for when he gets bigger.

Asher's crib and book shelf. I think the letters going around the top of the room are one of my favorite decorations. My mom and I bought them when I was 3 or 4 months pregnant and I've been waiting to put them up ever since. Austin and I made the mobile together- it took a long time, but it was way cheaper than buying one. My mom made the elephant blanket and my friend made the letters for Asher's name. And I'm so excited for Asher to get to play with all those fun toys!
I'll spare you the pictures of our bedroom- its the messiest, least put-together room in the house. Austin and I still have clothes to put away. I sure hope it gets done sometime before Christmas :)
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