1. His hair is getting thicker on top of his head (but not really around the sides- that is just a little longer). I think the hair is mostly blond, but still has some red in it and its not quite as silky as his newborn hair, but still soft and downy.
2. He is great at tracking things with his eyes. He has been able to do this since birth, but he is really good at it now. He even tracks a laser light that Austin shines around the room.
3. He hasn't giggled yet, but he smiles all the time and often he has a huge grin and makes a noise that we call a laugh even though it truly isn't one.
4. He loves to stand up and look all around. Of course he needs support for this one in order to keep his balance, but he holds all of his own weight. He is super curious (just like his dad) and loves to see what is going on. I get told that he is "bright eyed" or "bright eyed and bushy tailed" quite a bit.
5.We have gotten into a great daytime routine where he eats, gets a diaper change, we play together or sometimes he plays alone, then he starts to get sleepy, so I snuggle him up for a few minutes until he is a little drowsy, and he goes down for a nap for about an hour. Sometimes he doesn't want to go to sleep right away and cries, or sometimes he plays in his crib for a little while then cries for me, so I have to snuggle him again until he gets drowsy and then he will take a nap. Its been so nice to feel like we have some order to our day. I think he would have gotten into this rhythm sooner if I would have implemented it. He still sleeps quite a bit less than what a typical 3 month old does, but he is happy when he is awake and will usually go down for a nap when I notice him getting fussy.
6.Asher slept almost 6 hours last night! It was blissful and we are hoping that he keeps it up. He has slept for long periods before, but it has been pretty sporadic.
7. Asher is an expert spit bubble blower. He has been doing this for at least a month, but he is getting even better at it.
8. He is great at reaching and swiping at things and has an absolute fascination with his hands. He loves to stare at them and watch them move and often goes cross-eyes because he is intently looking at them and they get too close to his face.
9. He loves to take baths. He used to cry a lot when I put him in the tub, but he has loved them for about 2 months. He smiles and coos while I sing to him and tell him which body part I'm washing. Lots of times, Austin has to ask me to turn down the singing because it distracts (I won't use the work annoys :) him while he is doing homework. Lately Asher has even been good about not crying while I am drying him off and putting his diaper on.
10. Asher is moving on to bigger and better things- in clothes anyway. Look how he fills out that alligator shirt that almost drown him in his 1 month pictures! He outgrew all his newborn sized things awhile ago and was wearing 0-3 months, and is now starting to fit into some of his 3-6 months clothes. Its sad put some of those clothes away- especially since it feels like he only wore some of his outfits a couple times,but hopefully he will have little brothers someday who can wear them :)
11. We are pretty sure his eyes are going to be light blue with a dark blue rim around them. Even Austin (who has been telling Asher he has green eyes since he was born) admitted last night that they probably are going to stay blue since they are just getting lighter and lighter.
And without further ado. . . . Asher's 3 month pictures:
Asher loves his little play place, a hand-me-down from Austin's cousin. We have added his singing frog toy and some soft blocks to make it more fun.
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