My 30th birthdays has been one of my best so far, despite my fear of turning 30. I was spoiled to death by everyone in the family, so that made it a little easier ;) It's good to have such nice family members. We had a great day yesterday going to the temple early in the morning. My mom came with us to watch Leif while we were in the temple since I am still nursing him and can't be away from him for too long. We went to Ikea and lunch afterward then came home to see my Asher Bug. I made cookies and tried to take a nap then Austin and I went out to dinner at a restaurant we have never been to and had a nice meal out on the patio. Afterward I had an ice cream cone and we walked around downtown. We came home and took care of Leif (Asher was long ago in bed) then went for a walk in the lightning storm which turned to a hail storm then a pouring rain storm. It was really fun to run home in the rain together. Today we celebrated both my birthday and Father's Day with the family at Renee's house. Here are some pictures of the event. Renee just got a sandbox, so the boys were engrossed with that.

Asher insisted that he was "dirty" after playing in the sandbox (check out those feet) and wanted to be washed off immediately
I had a Ben & Jerry's ice cream cake :)
Which Asher thoroughly enjoyed!
Here is Asher & Leif's cousin, Amanda getting cleaned up after the sandbox
Abbey and Asher eating cake together
Leif with Nonna wishing he was old enough to eat cake too
Leif hanging out with Uncle Brent and trying to keep all of his bare skin off the grass
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