Saturday, February 28, 2015

27 Months

 Leif has been sick the last few days. Its just a cough and a little runny nose, but it must be draining him because he has spent most of the last few days whining about everything (unless he is sitting on my lap with a blanket and binkie), not wanting to eat much, and taking lots of naps. I didn't take any photos yesterday even though that is "officially" when he turned 27 months, he didn't look so great. He was pretty bad today too, but I caught him looking somewhat happy and having fun with Asher early this morning right after they ate breakfast. Asher recently invented a new game of lining up all the wooden construction vehicles in the window sill and driving them back and forth. Of course Leif thought this was great fun and likes to play too.
Leif's language amazes me sometimes. Sometimes we have a hard time figuring out what he is saying, but usually, he is very clear and speaks in complete sentences (minus a few less-important grammar words like prepositions :) Its really funny when he throws in a few extra words when it is clear he doesn't really understand their meaning. One of those words is "anyway", he adds that word onto the end of his sentences even though it typically doesn't make sense. What is funnier, is that he seems to stress that word, like it is an important part of his sentence. It must mean something different to him.
Another funny little language thing that Leif does is always refer to Asher as "my brother". He rarely calls him by his name, although you might remember a few months ago Leif was insisting that they were both named Asher. Leif is still very attached to Asher and gets upset when he has to be away from him, like when Asher went to a birthday party for a few hours by himself a couple weeks ago, or when I make them take naps separately so they will actually sleep. The other night Leif was up howling and crying at 2 a.m. and when I went to their room to check on them, he told me that he wanted Asher and Asher was gone. Asher was fast asleep curled up in all of his blankets right next to Leif, but because he woke up and didn't see his brother, he panicked.
It seems like more and more often lately, I hear Asher and Leif running around together giggling or getting into something together. They fight occasionally over silly things, but for the most part they love each other so much and find so much joy in playing together. I love it!

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