Wow I'm behind! Leif turned 21 months old a few days ago. I realized the day after that I had forgotten to take photos of him, but then totally forgot about it again. I just happened to get this one picture of him yesterday morning because I thought it was funny, then I remembered this morning that I needed to blog about him. Leif's personality is shining out more and more.
Just in case you are wondering, yes, Leif does get up on our bathroom counter quite a bit even though I tell him constantly that he shouldn't be up there and get him down over and over again. He really likes to play with all of our bathroom stuff that is otherwise inaccessible to him. The sink seems to be a safe place for him to be since its unlikely that he is going to fall out unexpectedly, so I think I'll just let him play there from now on while I'm getting ready.
Leif volunteers for just about everything. He says "I do" or "I do too" to everything I ask. I often ask them "who likes _____?" or "who wants to _____?" so when he hears his brother say "I do", he has to get in on the action and copy him. But he also enthusiastically says "I do" when I say "Who is silly?" or "Who did this?"
He continues to eat twice as much as his brother most days and get really grumpy when he is hungry. We have to be really careful about not letting him go too long without eating though or he will get so grumpy that he will refuse to sit down and eat.
Leif loves to say "go away, pees" (please). I don't know where the boys picked up on telling people to go away, but I remember that Asher started it about a week before Leif did and we must have given him too much attention telling him not to say that to people that he liked the reaction he got out of us and just kept saying it. Of course his little brother picked up on it soon after, but added "pees" on the end. So now Asher says that too. I oscillate between ignoring them and telling them they shouldn't say that. I should probably just ignore it and let it die out.
Since the last time I blogged about Leif, we have moved the boys into the same room. Leif decided that they were going to be in the same bed too. When he saw Asher on the mattress the first night we tried to put them to bed, he refused to stay in his crib and was on the verge of falling out of it when I grabbed him and let him sleep on the mattress too. The boys aren't the best at going to sleep after I do their bedtime routine and turn the lights out. They stay up jumping on the bed, wrestling around, or digging in everything in the room and making a huge mess. Sometimes they turn the light back on and sometimes they just do their mischief in the dark. We have to go in a lot to turn the light back off and get people into bed. We try not to go in too often though, because it almost feels like rewarding them with our attention. Anyway, Leif has been getting a lot less sleep lately because they stay up so late and Asher wakes him up at the first sign of light. We have blocked the window out quite a bit, but Asher still seems to know as soon as morning is here. He does sleep in until about 7 some mornings though, so maybe he will start doing it more often. And we are hoping that the excitement of being in the same room will wear off soon and they will sleep more. We still have Leif take a nap in his crib by himself during the day, so he usually gets some good sleep there.
Leif has been cutting teeth like crazy (after months and months of having only 4 teeth). Poor little guy asks us for ice cubes a lot and always wants his binki, so he gets it more often than we ever let him have it during the day before.