Thursday, June 27, 2013

7 Months

Our little "Yafe" (we have all started calling him this since that's what Asher calls him :) is now 7 months old! He is a chubby little guy that is starting to get a little independent. He can sit up if I put a pillow around him to help with support a little and a few times he has sat up all by himself with no support for quite awhile. Austin say that he is all hands- he grabs anything that gets within his reach. Its kind of funny to watch because he looks like he is clumsy and slow so it seems like he won't be able to get something, but he is actually really fast and pretty accurate. I have ended up with milk and cereal all over my lap several times because I underestimated him being able to grab the bowl I was eating out of. He loves stacking cups and stays entertained by them for a long time. The other day I was able to do a little sewing project during Asher's nap because Leif was content to sit on his own and play with the stacking cups. It was quite enjoyable! Asher has started sharing with Leif more too- he brings him toys to play with and if he drops them, Asher picks them up and puts them right into his hands for him. (Of course that only lasts so long before Asher steals them back and says "mine"). I'm not sure if Asher is sharing more because he is getting older or if its because he recognizes that Leif is getting more interested in toys and becoming more of a little person that Asher can play with. Maybe its a mix of both.
Leif is getting better at eating his mush and seems to like it most days. I've been lazy, but I need to introduce him to more solid foods like fruits and veggies. He has had a few samples of ice cream and he seems to like that. The other day Austin, Asher, and I were having some ice cream and Austin gave Leif a little taste. It was hilarious to watch Asher watching Leif eat the ice cream then nodding his head at him like he way saying "hey, this is good, right?"
Leif is also getting back into a good sleeping schedule. He now sleeps for exactly four hours at a time during the night. I would like it to go back to longer stretches without waking up to eat, but for now, I feel like I'm getting enough sleep most nights, so it works.
Leif is a giggly boy who loves to get tossed around by dad and loves to eat his foot (especially during diaper changes.) He is very talkative and babbles a lot. Actually, his babbling might be better described as yelling than talking. He's pretty loud- he has to be to be heard over his brother :) When he does babble, he moves his mouth really funny, sticking his lips out and moving his mouth all around. He must really be trying to enunciate whatever it is he's saying. Here are Leif's 7 month photos:


  1. Wow. Your boys are adorable! You're such a great mom.

  2. Thanks Candice- I would love to see photos of your new little guy
