Sunday, October 20, 2013

27 Months

Asher is so much fun and so much frustration lately. He comes up with all sorts of things to do- some of which make a lot of work for me to clean up after only a few short minutes of his enjoyment. Asher has always had a lot of energy, but lately it seems like he is extra busy and bursting with energy. One of his new forms of entertainment is running back and forth in a room, touching opposite walls and saying something that sounds like "Dra-coon" (Austin and I have tried to figure out what he is saying, but have no idea what it is.) He does this in his room to try to avoid nap or bed time or sometimes in other places in the house just to burn some energy.
Asher is a clever little fellow and sometimes tries to trick me. One of his newly discovered activities is getting all of the plastic grocery bags out of the pantry, dumping them all over the kitchen, and running through them and kicking them. He does this once or twice a day before I get sick of picking them back up. The other day, after he had already done this twice, he decided he wanted to get the bags out again. I was cooking dinner and not in the mood to have bags all over the place so I told him no. He stood by the pantry door (which has a kid's lock on it) saying "Mommy, open" over and over again. After I denied him a few times, Asher found some food that needed to be put into the pantry, took it over to the door, and said again "Mommy, open" like I was going to fall for his innocent "I'm just trying to help you clean up the kitchen" act. :) It made me laugh pretty hard, but I still didn't let him get into the pantry.
Asher also thinks he's pretty tricky when he tells me he is sleeping to avoid some undesired activity, such as eating or saying prayers. He closes his eyes and says "I sleeping" then peeks out at me to see if I'm buying it.

Asher has an undying faith that his daddy can fix any and everything and he makes a point of telling me this ALL DAY LONG. Asher points out anything that is broken (this can include a paper that is folded, something that is where it does not belong, something that made a noise once last week, something that doesn't look right to him, or something that is just fine, but interests him) and says "Broken. . . .Daddy fix" with a confident nod of his head.
Asher is getting great at formulating sentences and sometimes will astonish me with his great sentences. Lots of times he sticks to nouns and verbs, eliminating prepositions and articles. But every now and then he puts a full sentence together or only leaves out a word or two. He likes to narrate all of our activities--telling me everything he is doing, everything Leif is doing, and everything I am doing. My guess is that he does this because I do it a lot to try to teach him new words and I also repeat back to him everything he says using fuller sentences or different words that mean the same thing.
Upon Asher's constant request, we spend a good chunk of time almost every day watching the construction work going on across the street from our neighborhood. He loves to watch the trucks and other construction vehicles driving around and digging. The other day we got up pretty close to a group of workers digging a ditch and burying cement pipes in it. The guys noticed us watching and kept looking up and laughing to see a little guy so interested in what they were doing. (Leif is interested too and like to point and get excited, but he loses interest much quicker than Asher does.)
I made Halloween treat bags for the boys in late September and Austin and I have been working with Asher to teach him how to trick-or-treat. He says "tricky treat" and waits for us to put a treat in his bag. This is one of his favorite things to do (obviously he loves to get the treats) and he asks to get the "tricky bag" down a few times a day.
Asher loves to feed Leif, but sometimes offers him pieces of food that are way too big for him to eat. Even if it is something easy like yogurt, Leif always ends up a huge mess and there is sure to be food on the floor. Asher just loves to be independent and feel like he is doing things on his own.

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