Sunday, April 20, 2014


Easter was pretty low-key for us. The boys aren't really old enough to care about an Easter bunny, so skipped all of that and just let them have an egg hunt at grandma and grandpa's house in the evening with their cousins. We did try to get some pictures of the boys all dressed up for church this morning, but they weren't all that cooperative and we needed to get Leif down for his nap so he wouldn't melt down at church. As always, taking pictures of one kid is hard, but trying to get both of them to look and not have a goofy face is almost impossible.
This can also count as Asher's monthly update. His official 33 months was yesterday, but we had a pretty busy Saturday and I forgot to take pictures. He hasn't really changed much since last month. He is still the same spunky kid. I guess he has started to be a little more bossy in the last few weeks or so. He always tells me "I want this" or "I want that" without saying please or listening to me when I say no. He is also starting to test his limits more with Leif and will randomly push him over or hit him for no reason. I guess he is just figuring out what Leif/parents will and will not tolerate. The bad thing is that even though Leif can be pretty whiney if things aren't just his way, he can also be really mellow and a lot of times he doesn't care at all if Asher steals something from him or pushes him, so Asher thinks he can get away with it. They do get along well most of the time though, so I'm sure they will figure it out themselves.

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