Tuesday, June 23, 2015

An Outing at the Park

I took the kids on our first real outing by myself since Heidi was born (grocery shopping doesn't count ;) It was a bit overwhelming. I took them to a park in Fort Collins that I haven't been to since Asher was little and I was pregnant with Leif. I had forgotten how big it was and it was super busy, so it was quite the chore trying to keep track of both the boys and haul all our stuff around and keep the sun off of Heidi. She was calm and happy most of the time and only fussed to let me know she was hungry. I told the boys before we got there to stay with each other and stay where I could see them, but in the excitement of all there was to do, they sort of forgot. They were pretty good about coming when I called them, though, so it wasn't too bad. I wouldn't say this is something we will do every day, but it was manageable enough, that I might try to take them to a park at least once a week or so.


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