Saturday, September 19, 2015

Four Months

Heidi seems to be growing up faster than her brothers did, but that may just be that I've got so much going on all the time that time seems to go by really fast. She rolled over for the first time weeks ago and although she doesn't do it all the time, still practices quite a bit. She loves to be held in a standing position and will push herself up on her hands as soon as we put her on her tummy.Heidi has been squealing and blowing spit bubbles all the time and is an absolute delight to be around. She is such a patient and calm baby. But, as Austin likes to describe her, she isn't one of those boring babies that just sits and stares, she is very interactive. Heidi continues to love social interaction and is just very pleasant to be around. She is still sleeping pretty well and eating very well and loves to be in the middle of whatever is going on. We all adore this baby!!!!
We went to the Denver temple today to see our friends get sealed to their adopted daughter. Austin's dad came with us to watch the kids while we were in the temple. This was really useful because then I could easily nurse Heidi before going in and when we got done. She will take a bottle when her aunt or grandma are watching her while I'm at work, but she doesn't really like it. Plus, I hate to be away from her for very long since I already have to leave her two days a week, so we were very appreciative of Brent coming watch the kids. We wanted to get some pictures, but the sun light was really harsh and Heidi isn't exactly sitting on her own yet, so it made it a little tricky. We gave up trying to get pictures of the boys after these :) They had fun just trying to get their sister to smile though.

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