Leif is 12! This kid is very clever and smart, but also very goofy and can be very stubborn. I took him out to eat at a French cafe that we love. It was actually for last Christmas because he still hadn't used the special coupon we'd given him to go out with me. It was a nice time to spend with him for his birthday.
Here is a fun picture Austin took with Leif and his favorite pup. All of our kids love Torben, but Leif has a special love for him. He loves to snuggle with him during downtime throughout the day.

We had our usual chocolate waffles for breakfast. The younger siblings got him a special, but funny present. They pooled money together to get him a Planes book since he has always loved the movies. It was a book for little kids, but Leif was thrilled by it as you can see on his face in the picture on the couch when he opened it. He also got a fun kit to put together a million pieces to make an owl from my mom (he delights in putting tiny pieces together!)

Leif requested cheesecake for his birthday. I have never made one and didn't have the right pan, so his grandpa offered to make it for him. Asher and Leif went over to his house the night before to help make it- Leif loves to help cook! The cheesecake was amazing, but Leif said it wasn't what he was expecting and he liked making it more than eating it, although he did enjoy it- especially the raspberry reduction we drizzled on it. You can see Leif showing his goofiness as he was preparing to eat his cake. My mom also got him the space guy cake toppers. We made each one hold a letter from his name. He cut the letters from a Life cereal box and rearranged them to say his name-something we've done for years.

Leif's biggest birthday excitement this year is that he ordered an RC car. He put birthday money toward it and also used some of the money in his savings account. The ones in this picture belong to Asher and Leif has gotten more interested in them lately, so he ordered one for himself. It should come in a few weeks. They spend more time cleaning and fixing the cars than they do racing them, but that is part of the fun for them.
Here is Leif's Birthday Interview:
Who is your favorite person? Me
What is your favorite color? Green
What is your favorite thing to watch/do on TV? Play Zelda
What is your favorite outfit? Whatever I'm wearing
song do you like the best? Weird Al songs
What is your favorite cereal? The one with the most sugar
Who is your best friend? Asher
What do you want to do when your grow up? An Airforce pilot or an aerospace enginer
What is your favorite book? Where the Red Ferns Grow
What are you really good at? Being really good at stuff
Where do you wish you could go on vacation? The moon
What would you buy if you had a lot of money? A fighter jet
is your favorite dinner? Chicken Rolls
If you could have a wish, what would it be? To have more wishes
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Mint Oreo
Who do you want to be like? Me
What do you like to do with your friends? Brain rot (this is what he and his friends call video games)
do you hope you'll get to do before your next birthday? Get a lot of money
What is your favorite thing to do?
What are you proud of? Myself
What are you afraid of? Fear
Leif it looks like you were praying extra hard over your Birthday Cake !! Good Job