We finally got enough snow for some sledding. It came with some extremely cold weather- which was good to keep the snow on the ground, but not quite as pleasant to play out in for extended periods of time.
Asher started the day by helping my shovel the snow after Torben and I got back from our walk. He's a good, fast worker. We often do our neighbor's driveway and sidewalk for them (they only have 2 little girls and no strong boys!). Asher also does their neighbor's driveway too sometimes- he loves "snoveling snow" (that's what he called it when he was little and his love for it started)
We met cousins at the sledding hill pretty early and the kids went sledding for about an hour and a half. I stayed with them for about half the time, but I was getting cold and eventually Natalie got snow in her boots and insisted that we go back to the car. We turned on the heater and the heated seats to get her feet warmed back up and wait for the older kids to tire out.

After sledding for awhile, the older kids decided to try "snowboarding". Ben and Asher were good at it, but Asher slammed his knee pretty hard when he fell and decided that was enough of that.
I usually like to get a picture each year of all the kids at the top of the hill with the Rocky Mountains in the background, but it was pretty foggy in the distance and the mountains weren't visible anyway, so we just did it down lower.
Torben had the greatest time running up and down the hill for the 45 minutes that he was out (Natalie and I took him to the car with us when we went because he was getting a little wild and not listening very well.) Also, he often tried to run downhill with the kids as they went down, biting at them and trying to get them to play while they wanted to sled. I think the kids were glad when I took him away.
Obviously, I didn't get any pictures while we waited in the car, but the kids told me they built a ramp to sled off of. They got to go sledding again a couple days later after we got a bit more snow. I just dropped them off with their cousins, our brother-in-law took them to the hill, and I picked them up afterward. We are so glad we finally got to sled this winter!
Wow, that sure looks like fun, can't say if you or Torbin were having the most fun !!!!