Friday, January 20, 2012

A Birthday and a Half

Asher's 6 month mark just happens to fall on Austin's birthday (Austin was aware of this and very excited when Asher was born on just the right day to make this happen :) So every year, Asher can celebrate his half birthday while Austin celebrates his real birthday. Austin isn't really into celebrating his birthday though (although he is quite good at celebrating mine). He spent all day at school going to classes and studying in the library. He did decide to quit about an hour early and after a very long drive on snow covered streets, we went to McDonalds (he really couldn't think of anywhere else he would rather go) then we snuggled up at home and watched a movie he has really been wanting to see, but I have been avoiding. Finally, I lit the candle on his pile of birthday brownies, he ate a part of one and I ate about six- Yikes!
To celebrate 6 months, Asher had his first taste of solid foods. No, it wasn't the brownies, although he was making funny lip-smacking noises with his mouth while he helped me make them. Instead, I made him a zucchini puree which he made slightly-disgusted faces about while I tried to get him to eat a little, then finally gagged and spit it all back up. I guess it takes a little getting used to, so we will continue to try zucchini for a couple more days before we move on to yams, butternut squash (already made and in the freezer) or peas (not yet made). And if he still doesn't like those after a couple days of trying each, we'll try mashed up avocado or banana.

And of course, Asher got his monthly photo taken to track his growth. He has gotten so big! The other night, Austin and I were scanning through our blogs and laughing about how little he used to be. As we came to each older blog, we were surprised at how little he kept getting. It's crazy to think that our little chunker used to be a scrawny little newborn.

I'm very glad both Austin and Asher were born!

1 comment:

  1. keely! he is getting so big! his stomach hanging out of those pants is hilarious. He is so dang cute.
