Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Nine Months

Our little Leif has been with us now for the same amount of time he was in the oven baking :) Leif's personality is really starting to show- very sensitive, laid back, curious, and a little goofy.
Leif has developed all kinds of skills for getting anywhere he wants to go. He is pro at rolling around and doing his trademark back arching to inchworm across the floor on his back. (I really wish he would stop doing that since I'm paranoid he is going to rub a bald spot on top of his head right in the middle of all that beautiful thick hair.) He went from barely being able to army crawl one day to army crawling across the floor at top speeds the next day. He doesn't crawl on his hands and knees yet and usually just falls over when we try to get him set up for it. He might never crawl with how fast he is at his other methods of locomotion. But its obvious that Leif is more than anxious to be going places. He watches Asher race around the house with eager eyes and he wiggles around like he's trying to figure out how he can start racing too.

Leif is a great eater- the size of his thighs proves that :) He has finally gotten really good at eating solids. He loves to eat his baby food,although he isn't a huge fan of vegetables, and usually gets it down as fast as I can shovel it in. When I offer him vegetables he will usually eat a few bites then start acting like a goof ball and blowing raspberries (spraying the food on me) and squinting his eyes. He does this sometimes when he eats fruit and baby cereal too, but only after he has eaten enough that I believe he is actually done. He also loves feeding himself cheerios.
Leif is almost always the instigator of laughing wars between him and Asher. He usually starts by blowing raspberries at Asher, who laughs at him or does it back, then Leif laughs and they just sit there and laugh back and forth at each other. I LOVE this! Its so much fun to see them interact and its especially fun that Leif is the one who starts it.

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