Friday, December 26, 2014


From about 4 am on, I was only half sleeping just waiting for the boys to come bouncing into our room. A little after 6, Leif came out of their room and stood in the hallway saying "Kismas? Kismas?" Then he shuffled his way into our room (this is his newest favorite way of walking just to be silly). Apparently a very dirty diaper is what woke him up, so I took him into our bathroom to get him cleaned up and Austin talked him into getting into the shower with him to get really clean. Afterwards, Leif wasn't sold on getting dressed so we all tucked back into bed and he rolled around giggling for about an hour before I told him to go get his brother up. I was surprised that Asher slept so long since most mornings he is up at 5:45 am. He wanted to get in our bed and snuggle a bit too before he was ready to go down to see what Santa left. The boys were most excited about their stockings, probably because they just wanted the instant gratification of all the candy. I tried to keep their stockings away until the end, but somehow Asher ended up feeding Leif an entire pack of Pez while we were opening presents. Eating candy before breakfast was a huge highlight of Christmas for both boys. After they opened presents the boys played with the toys for a bit while Austin made crepes for breakfast then we ate crepes with strawberries and whipped cream. The rest of the morning was spent playing with toys, watching Christmas movies, and eating a little more candy. Leif was not pleased with an early nap, but he slept for a bit while my sister and I played Candy Land with Asher. This is the first time he has ever played a board game, but he did pretty well. He only wanted his piece to land on blue spaces and a few times insisted on sliding his piece all over the board while knocking over the other pieces, but I think he'll figure out the rules soon if we keep playing with him. After Leif's nap, we went to Grandpa and Grandma's house for more presents and Christmas dinner. They boys were quite spoiled and got very thoughtful and fun presents. We even got snow in the evening, so the boys woke up to shovel it this morning, although it didn't last long before they were too cold. Here are the photos I got of Christmas morning.

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