Tuesday, October 27, 2015

35 Months

This boy is just a month away from turning 3! Where did the time go? When did my little guy get so big? Leif continues to be himself- happier and sillier than can be one minute and pouting or whining the next :) His newest thing is to recite nursery rhymes. When I say one that he likes he will ask me to say it again and again until he memorizes it, then I will catch him later reciting it to himself or to Heidi. I guess this isn't too surprising given his love of songs- nursery rhymes are pretty similar. Leif has also decided that he doesn't like napping anymore- which is not a good idea for him. He is often the first person up in the morning or gets up at the same time I do and is almost always the last kid asleep. Its a rare evening when Leif doesn't come out of his room at least once, but more often twelve times. He's always wandering around looking for something or has some other excuse for being out of bed. So by the time nap time comes around each day, he is more than ready for a nap, but he has been fighting us on it. I think he realizes that Asher is often up and playing while he is napping and he's not thrilled about missing out on the fun. Yesterday Asher and I raked leaves and filled up a pumpkin bag while Heidi and Leif napped, so when he woke up I let him help fill up the other bag. They are very proud of their pumpkins and know very well which bag belongs to which kid. Tonight was our church Halloween party, so here is Leify in his Halloween costume:

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