Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Denver Zoo

We went to the zoo with Grandma for the first time this year and the kids loved it! I feel like the boys are finally getting to an age where they are really excited to look at all the animals and look forward to visiting their favorites. Leif's favorite animal of course is an elephant. He loves to pretend he is an elephant when he and Asher play "zoo" at home. We headed for the elephant exhibit right away since a show would be happening soon. We watched part of the show, but it started raining buckets in the middle of it and the staff decided to end the show early. We didn't bring umbrellas, but since neither Grandma or I minded, the kids were fine too (especially Heidi who was well sheltered by her stroller canopy).

I love the peacocks strolling around the zoo, so I made Asher get a picture with one.
Asher was very excited to see a baby zebra, even though it doesn't look like much of a baby anymore.
The giraffes are always fun to watch and we always visit them since they are right across from Asher's favorite animal- the tiger. The tiger was really cool on this visit. The first time we stopped by he was roaming around and started ripping up a cardboard box. The second time we stopped by (because Asher had to have "one last look") he was staring some other visitors down and started roaring. I think the boys really liked that. But I didn't get any good pictures.
The polar bear was fun too- here Leif is watching him eat a head of lettuce that a zookeeper had just thrown to him.
Little Miss was so exhausted most of the time we were at the zoo. She usually takes a 2-3 hour nap in the morning, but had only slept about 45 minutes in the car on the way to Denver. But as always, she was a happy little thing and hardly complained despite her eyes being red and having very little energy.
Just as we were about to leave for the day, it started raining and hailing really hard. Here we are at the entrance as Leif watches the rain waiting for it to slow a little so we can run to the car. We had lots of fun- I'll take the rain over too much heat any day. The boys can't wait to come back, so its a good thing Grandma has a season pass!

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