Saturday, August 12, 2017

8 Months

Our sweet little Trevor is eight months old and he sure is growing fast! Trevor has hit a few milestones this month and that makes time seem to be going by too fast. It seems that out of nowhere, we have a mobile baby. He still isn't actually crawling- I wouldn't even call it an army crawl (though he still loves to practice being on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth)- but he can get anywhere he wants to by dragging himself along on his belly. Its been quite a while now that he plays on his tummy and rolls around and turns himself to get access to things he wants, but he surprised me recently by dragging himself clear across a room. A few times he's made it quite the distance to get from where I left him to a different room where I was working or taking care of someone else. He really seems to like being let loose to just roam around and play with whatever he chooses and will be content like that for quite awhile while I'm busy with something else. I've just had to be really careful that tiny toys are picked up and he's in a safe place. The boys are pretty good about keeping him safe, although they sometimes get distracted with their own games. He's also gotten very steady at sitting on his own and is often happy to just sit and play as long as he is supplied with interesting toys or something interesting to watch (especially his siblings).
Trevor has gotten to be a pretty good little eater too. He seems to be a lot better at eating off of a spoon and gets really excited when he sees me getting something ready for him. I was surprised today to see how aware he was. I make all of his baby food by pureeing fruits and veggies and I usually make a big batch then freeze most of it in little portions to thaw out later. He knows that when I go to the freezer and get out a little frozen block it's for him.
Trevor's sleep is getting better for the most part. He typically wakes up once in the middle of the night and once in the early morning. His naps are getting longer, but are a little erratic, although that's mostly due to a busy schedule from the rest of the family. Once we start school and get into a more regular schedule, I'm sure his naps will become much more regular too.
We love this little love bug!

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