Friday, April 13, 2018

16 Months

This little sweetheart is a toddler! He's all over the house, walking much more often than he crawls. He is constantly getting into something or climbing on something, but he's such a doll! Trevor is such a busy little guy. I find him playing independently more and more often, although he still loves to be with me all the time too. The other kids enjoy playing with him a lot too, although sometimes they would rather that he stay out of their games. He loves when they push him around in a laundry basket and sometimes Asher will do it for a very long time- so long that I can't believe he isn't exhausted. Trevor also loves pushing his popper toy around and playing with balls. The older boys like to play with him passing a ball back and forth.
Trevor is a man of very few words- he says more, dad, and nana (banana), but not very often. He prefers to point and squeal or just go get whatever he wants by himself. If he wants me to pick him up, he walks up to me and squeezes me around the legs as tight as he can. I should reinforce that he needs to learn to say "up", but I'm not really worried about his language skills. He is so much like Asher who also didn't say much until about 2 1/2 when words and sentences suddenly started pouring out of him.
I mentioned to the boys the other day that when Asher was 16 months old, Leif was born-crazy that I had a newborn with such a little guy. But the lives of the oldest child and the youngest child are quite different. Asher had to be a big brother (and is still so good at it!) but Trevor is happily enjoying being the beloved baby of the family.

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