Wednesday, September 4, 2019

First Day of School 2019

 School has officially started for us! Although our schedule (daily and throughout the year) is pretty flexible, I do try to stay on-track with the public schools in the area so that the kids are free to play with their neighborhood friends when they are out. So we started homeschool the same day as the local schools. The first day was a little rough trying to get back into a school routine, especially with an infant that is not sleeping so well and a toddler that is very self-willed. The older three were all pretty compliant- Heidi was especially excited to start school! Asher and Leif are eager for science this year (really they are every year, but especially this year) because we're studying chemistry. Our curriculum is mostly based off of doing experiments and recording our findings. I had to sit them down and explain to them that many of the experiments will be kind of boring and we aren't going to be blowing things up or making slimey goo everyday. It should be a good year though. Once Natalie gets into a better routine of naps (which will be more likely since the rest of us are getting into a more regular routine) and we find something engaging to keep Trevor occupied, it should be pretty smooth.

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