Thursday, June 11, 2020

3 1/2

Trevor marked his half birthday today. We don't do anything for half birthdays, but I thought it would be a good time to do an update. Trevor is a very independent and opinionated little fellow. He's constantly climbing up to reach anything he wants and is very persistent in pursuing his desires. One of my favorite things to do with Trevor is go on walks near some ponds in our neighborhood. Sometimes he rides his bike and shows me how fast he can go and other times he walks or rides on the back of Natalie's stroller. He always notices lots of things (especially birds) and loves to point them out. Trevor's favorite game is "I spy" which he often starts while we are eating dinner. He started playing it on our walk today and his first spy was "I spy something cute" (Natalie) and his next was "I spy something that makes us dinner" (Mom!) I thought that was hilarious. A key characteristic of Trevor right now is his huggles (a term he coined meaning hug and snuggle). He always has to huggle Natalie before her nap or bedtime and he comes into our room after his bedtime at least three times to give me huggles. He is a very loving and very intelligent little guy who knows what he wants out of life! And our life wouldn't be the same without him :)

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