Sunday, June 4, 2023

Heidi's Baptism


 Heidi was baptized this weekend! Heidi has been so excited to get baptized and told me in the morning as we were getting ready that she couldn't believe the time had already come and that she has been waiting since she was four. Our stake center is just across the street from the Fort Collins temple, so we stopped there first to get some photos of her in the dress I made her. It has rained so much this year, but luckily it wasn't raining too much while we took her pictures.


 Austin performed the baptism and her Grandpa Brent did the confirmation. It was a small event with just our family and a couple friends Heidi had asked to give a talk and play the piano, but we were thankful that many of our family members were able to make it.

After the baptism we went to a little French creperie that I like to take the kids to when we do one-on-one time. They put us out in the covered patio because it was a pretty big party.

Trevor was a bit upset when he learned he couldn't have a crepe because of the dairy, but we found him a BLT sandwich he could have and all the other kids were begging for bites after their crepes we gone, so he thought he had gotten the best lunch of all.

The kids ended up playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house for a few hours with all their cousins (and Cedar's new puppy) so Heidi had a great day!


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