Saturday, June 28, 2014

19 Months

Leif has officially gotten another tooth- Finally! He has had 4 little teeth for months and months with no changes and finally got number five. He had a really high fever most of the day Saturday and just wanted to lay on me while I rubbed his back and tummy. He was super mellow all day but laughed a few times at Asher being silly. We gave him fever reducer before bedtime and he slept pretty well. His temperature was up and down all day Sunday, but he has been fine since. We assume that this is related to the new tooth. Here he is with his fever:

Leif loves to mimic his older brother and seems to be progressing so fast since he has someone to follow like a shadow. If Asher is doing anything, Leif has to try it too. Anything from climbing on playground equipment that I think is way too advanced for him (and doing pretty well at it too) to insisting on having a cup with a straw for every beverage even though he almost always ends up with it all down his shirt because he forgets to sip out of the straw and instead tips the cup to try to get his drink out.
Lief has also decided that since we are urging Asher to use the toilet, he should do the same. We have a little potty in the kids' bathroom that Leif loves to sit on. If I dare try to put a clean diaper on him without first letting him use the potty he wiggles all over and says "potty" over and over (but the way it comes out is without the Ts, so it sounds like pah-ee). So I take him in the bathroom and let him sit on the little potty for a few minutes until he feels like he has accomplished something. He usually doesn't do anything while he is sitting there, but we have had a couple successful potty sittings. He is happy as a clam once he has sat there for a few minutes, loves to climb up on the stool to put his hands under the running water for a few seconds then happily runs back to the changing table to put his clean diaper on.
Leif is turning into a daddy's boy. I think I probably still hold claim to favorite parent, but Leif often asks for daddy and loves to do things to get his praise. When Austin is working at home, Leif insists on sitting on his lap and watching him work. Sometimes he bugs Austin by touching everything he can, but usually he just sits there and watches. He also delights is getting soda from the fridge and bringing it to Austin. I think Austin asked him to do this a few time, but now Leif seizes any opportunity he finds of the fridge being open to dive in there and get a soda out to run over to Dad. Sometimes Austin gets a little cluster of sodas sitting on the table next to him because Leif is so happy to bring them over throughout the day. Its kind of nice for Leif to be developing this stronger attachment to Dad since he often throws himself out of my arms to insist that Austin carry him.

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