Wednesday, August 9, 2023

James Peak Wilderness and Forest Lake

We went on another hike with Lexi and Cedar- this time the day was cooler, so even though we got started later than expected, it never got too hot. It was a different trail than we had originally planned because the other was too crowded and Torben doesn't love other dogs when he is on leash, but this one was beautiful! It was longer than anticipated, but ended at a gorgeous lake called Forest Lake.

There were lots of little bridges to cross as we criss-crossed back and forth over the river coming down- the kids loved these!

Trevor often went over the bridge, then went back and came through the river when it wasn't too deep or swift.

This was the biggest bridge and the river was gorgeous right here.
Natalie is not the best hiker yet and often wants me to carry her- it comes of being the youngest. But we want her to hike more so she can get stronger and make it easier for her and for me. Lexi told her she would buy her ice cream at the end if she hiked the whole way. She did about 3/4 of it by herself, but there were some pretty steep or uneven areas on the way up that were really hard for her, so I carried her for those. She complained some on the way up, but didn't complain at all on the way down and I think she was really proud of herself by the end- and ready for her ice cream!

The kids were eager to get in the lake once we got there. They waded around, but then realized it was pretty cold and the day wasn't hot enough to make it worth it. Torben didn't have any scruples about the temperature and loved swimming as far as we would let him go- I think he would have gone to the other side of the lake if we wouldn't have called him back.

I love this picture-doesn't that look so relaxing?

The hike was longer than we expected and took a lot longer, so everyone was very excited to get ice cream at a little shop in Nederland.


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