Saturday, April 11, 2020

14 Months

Our gorgeous little lady is now 14 months old. She is getting more independent, although she still loves to stick with mom quite a bit. She still hasn't walked (as predicted), but she does stand up all on her own for a few seconds at a time. She gets very excited about it and shows her pride with raised eyebrows and a huge smile. If Austin is in the room, she looks at him to check if he's watching her. She cruises around by hanging onto furniture, pushing along a giant exercise ball, or using a little walking toy that we've had forever. She loves to dig through book shelves and get as many books as possible down before she is caught, loves to explore cabinets (I've figured out how to lock most of them with rubber bands) and is interested in most anything her older siblings are doing.  She still only say "mom" and "dada", but she babbles a lot and its clear that she understands much of what we are telling her. She's just at a perfect age where I wish she's stay forever: She sleeps through the night, takes good naps through during the day, is super snuggly, can eat just about everything, and is as sweet as can be! I'm trying to get better at using the nice camera Austin bought me almost 5 years ago, so I was playing around with taking pictures of her, hence there are quite a few:

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